The runway trend attempted -- Balenciagia's blazer + scarf. I did it with a black velvet blazer from a few years ago and a French silk scarf Mother Frocker gave to me (read: I stole it from her). After tying my scarf in a new way I learned earlier today,* I put on the blazer and faced the mirror, and...
It actually looked nice. Phew. Although it feels a little weird and choke-y to wear a scarf (hey, it's been 6 months!) right now, it looks great. So here are a few blazers and scarves to copy the look. Trust me, it'll look good.
All the blazers are from, and all the scarves can be found at (All the pictures are from the same 2 places, of course.)
P.s. -- I like my scarves LOUD.
Look #1
Wool herringbone Bella Jacket, $198**;
Look #2 (aka, if you're gonna wear forest green, why not just look like a forest?)
Velvet Bella jacket, $158; 100% silk scarf, $15.99
Look #3
Super 120s 2-button jacket, $230;
* check out Hermes' website...even if I don't like that store, they still have a great guide on lots of different ways to tie your scarf. Oh, and you'll need Adobe Reader to view it -- it's a PDF)
**Yeah...sorry about these prices. It's J.Crew, and they feel the need to be mad expensive. I've never bought anything from there, but I'm assuming if these jackets are damn near $200-300, they are really good quality.
Ooh, another warning, the site I got the scarves from seems a tad dubious, so buy at your own risk. I did get linked there from though, so I think that means they're trustworthy. You can check with your credit card company to see if they do the one-time credit card number thing. Essentially, they'll give you a new credit card number for a single use, just in case you're buying from an online vendor you don't really trust.